Monday, February 25, 2013

DIY: Dried Flower Garland

Need a creative way to get rid of your dried flowers? Why not turn them into a beautiful garland to hang in your home, workspace, or yard? Follow these incredibly simple and easy steps to create this garland.

What you need:

  • Dried Flowers (Use a variety of flowers for the best effect. Remember, not all flowers look good when they dry out)
  • Scissors
  • Twine

All You Need To Do Is...

Put a small group of flowers together and wrap twine around them then double knot, leaving a few inches of extra twine at the end. Continue doing this, spacing out the different groups of flowers, and arranging each group uniquely and in different sizes and lengths. Keep doing this, making the garland as longs you wish. Cut the twine when your done, making sure to leave a few inches at the end.

When your done, hang it wherever you want! I made two and hung them in the windows of my bedroom. The first one I made (not the one above) turned out better because I used a rose and its leaves along with the flowers I used in this tutorial which added more of a variety and made it a lot prettier. 

Heres How Mine Turned Out...
(sorry for the bad picture quality)

The first one...

and the second one...

Try it and see how it turns out!

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