Saturday, February 23, 2013

Current Music Obsession: Laura Gibson

So after watching the new Volvo commercial with the Little Red Riding Hood theme, I couldn't get the song they play in it out of my head. I soon made it my mission to find it, which lead me to discovery of the amazing Laura Gibson. I've been listening to her albums non stop on rdio since I found out about her. She has an extraordinary voice that complements her unique musical style perfectly.

Gibson has released three albums, La Grande, Beasts of Seasons, and If You Come to Greet Me, as well as two Eps, Amends and Six White Horses. So far, my personal favorite is La Grande, which came out about a year ago in January of 2012. I think anyone who likes music with a soft, folky and somewhat romantic sound would be a fan of Gibson. Check her out and tell me what you think!

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